Showing posts with label Streptococcus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Streptococcus. Show all posts


            Gram positive, catalase negative, nonsporing, spherical or ovoid cells. Cell division occurs in one plane, therefore, they are arranged in pairs or chains. Most strains produce capsules composed of hyaluronic acid. Generally nonmotile. Majority are aerobes and facultative anaerobes, some are obligate anaerobes, some require CO2 for growth. Also growth can be enhanced by the addition of glucose, blood or serum. Their G + C content is 30 – 46 mol%. Streptococci form normal flora of man and animals. They inhabit respiratory tract, live harmlessly as commensals.
Important disease causing species are : Streptococcus pneumoniae
                                                          Streptococcus pyogenes
                                                         Streptococcus mutans


The family Rhabdoviridae comprises more than 200 viruses which infect mammals, reptiles, birds, fishes, insects and plants. It has two ge...