Gram negative, rigid, curved rods,
actively motile by polar flagellum, nonsporing, noncapsulated, present in
marine environments and
surface waters. The most important
member of the
genus is V. cholerae, the causative
agent of cholera / Asiatic cholera. It was first isolated by Robert Koch.
V. cholerae
& Cultural characteristics - short,
curved, cylidrical rod, 1.5µm X 0.2-0.4µm, rounded or slightly pointed ends,
typically comma-shaped. Pleomorphism is frequent in old cultures. It is
actively motile, show vigorous darting motility.
is strongly aerobic, temperature range 16-400C, growth better in
alkaline medium, range of pH 6.4-9.6. NaCl (1%) required for optimal growth,
but high concentration are inhibitory. It grows well on ordinary media. On NA
it shows moist, translucent round colonies with a bluish tinge in transmitted
light. It has a distinctive odour. On Mac Conkey agar, the colonies are
colorless first, but become reddish on prolonged incubation due to the late
lactose fermentation. In a gelatin stab, at first a white line of growth
appears along the track of the inoculating wire, liquefaction of the gelatin
begins at the top which spreads downwards in a funnel- shaped form in 3 days at
220C. In peptone water , this organism grows as a surface pellicle
because of its affinity for oxygen, which becomes visible in 6-9 hours.
Special media – A number of special media have been employed for the cultivation of
the bacteria:
Transport media – V. cholerae is sensitive to drying, exposure to sunlight and
extreme changes in pH, also inhibited by normal intestinal flora. If the
cultures cannot be processed immediately, stool samples should be transported
in transport media.
Venkataraman –
Ramakrishnan (VR) medium – about 10-15ml of the
medium, 1-3ml of the stool is added, V. cholerae do not multiply but
remain viable for several weeks, also prevents overgrowth by other organisms.
Cary – Blair medium – in this the pH is adjusted at 8.4, suitable for Salmonella,
Shigella and V. cholerae.
Enrichment media
Alkaline peptone water
(APW) – this medium contains 1% peptone and sodium
chloride at pH 8.6. High pH of the
medium suppresses the growth of many commensal intestinal bacteria while
permitting uninhibited growth of V.
Taurocholate peptone
transport and enrichment medium – pH at 9.0, to make
selective for vibrios, sterile potassium tellurite solution added .
Plating media
Alkaline bile salt agar
(BSA) – modified nutrient agar medium with 0.5% sodium taurocholate, colonies similar to those
in NA.
agar (TCBS) – selective plating medium for vibrios.
Constituents are sodium thiosulphate, sodium citrate, ox bile, sucrose, yeast
extract, peptone, sodium chloride, ferric citrate, thymol blue, bromothymol
blue and water. Sucrose fermenters form yellow colonies and non fermenters
produces blue green ones.
colonies can be identified by’string test’. A loopful of the growth is mixed
with a drop of 0.5% sodium deoxycholate
in saline on a slide. If the test is positive, suspension becomes mucoid and
forms a string when the loop is slowly drawn away from the suspension.
characteristics- They ferment glucose,maltose,
sucrose and lactose very slowly. Indole is formed, nitrates are reduced,
contributes to the ‘cholere-red reaction’, catalase and oxidase positive. It
possess many enzymes-lipase, neuraminidase, chitinase, elastase etc. They are
killed by heating at 560C for 30 minutes, sensitive to drying, acids,
affected by vibriophages, survive in clean tap water for 30 days, survive in untreated night soil,
sensitive to disinfectants, survive on fruits at room temperature.
Pathogenicity - Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease caused by V. cholerae. It affects people anywhere sanitation is poor and faecal contamination of water occurs. Some transmitted to humans from contaminated shell fish. When ingested it invades the intestinal mucosa, multiplies, releases a potent enterotoxin, choleragen, which binds to epithelial cells of the small intestine and makes plasma membrane highly permeable to water. This results in a significant secretion of fluids and chloride ions and the inhibition of sodium absorption. At this time the intestinal lining will be shredded causing numerous small, white flecks, resembling rice grains to be passed in the faeces. Infected individuals experience severe nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Stools rapidly become clear, containing mucus, therefore “rice-water stools”. About 22 litres of fluids lost per day and therefore dehydration. Most deaths by shock due to reduced blood volume and dehydration.
Epidemiology : sporadic, epidemic, endemic, pandemic, infection through faecally
contaminated water and food.
Diagnosis & Prophylaxis - Stool collected in the acute stage, transported to the lab in VR medium, plated on TCBS, then string test and other biochemical tests. Prevention by protecting water supply and environmental sanitation. Vaccination is widely used method. The treatment of cholera consists , replacement of lost fluid and electrolytes. Cereal based preparation more acceptable. Antibacterial therapy, oral tetracycline is recommended.
parahemolyticus is an enteropathogenic, caausative
agent of sea fish food poisoning.
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