emergence and pandemic spread of the AIDS- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome-
have posed the greatest challenge to public health in modern times. It was
first recognized in the United
States in 1981, as a sudden outbreak of two
very rare diseases – Kaposi’s sarcoma and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
in young adults who were homosexuals or addicted to injected narcotics. They
appeared to have lost their immune competence, rendering them vulnerable to
fatal infections with relatively avirulent microorganisms, this condition was
given the name acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Isolation of the
etiological agent was first reported in 1983 by Luc Montagnier and colleagues
from Pasteur Institute, Paris. They isolated a retrovirus from a West African
patient with persistent generalized lymphadenopathy and called it
lymphadenopathy associated virus (LAV). In 1984 Robert Gallo and colleagues
isolated a retrovirus called HTLV-3. two antigenic types of HIV– HIV-1 & HIV-2.
of the family Retroviridae possess reverse transcriptase enzyme, hence the
name. This family has been divided into 3 genera - Retrovirus (HTLV-1 &
HTLV-2, oncogenic viruses), Lentivirus (HIV-1 & HIV-2 causes AIDS) and
Spumavirus (Human foamy virus).
Morphology –
HIV is a spherical enveloped virus, about 90-120nm in size with a three layer
structure. The nucleocapsid has an outer icosahedral shell and an inner
coneshaped core, enclosing the ribonucleoproteins.. The genome is diploid,
composed of two identical single stranded, positive sense RNA copies. In
association with viral RNA is the reverse transcriptase enzyme. When the virus
infects a cell, the viral RNA is transcribed by the enzyme, first into single
stranded DNA and then to double stranded DNA which is integrated into the host
cell chromosome. The provirus remain latent for long periods. In response to
viral promoters, the provirus initiates viral replication by directing
synthesis of viral RNA and other components.
viral replication, when the naked virus buds out through the host cell surface
membrane, it acquires a lipoprotein envelope, which consists of lipid derived
from the host cell membrane and virus coded glycoprotein. The major virus coded
envelope proteins are the projecting knob-like spikes on the surface and the
anchoring transmembrane pedicles. The 72 glycoprotein spikes constitute the
major surface component of the virus of the virus which binds to the CD4
receptors on susceptible host cells. Transmembrane pedicles causes cell fusion.
Viral genes and antigens
– The genome of HIV contains 3 structural genes – gag, pol, env
characteristic of all retroviruses, each codes for two or more polypeptides,
and other nonstructural and regulatory genes specific for the virus. The product
of these genes act as antigens.
Structural genes :
- The gag gene determines the core and shell of the virus. It is expressed as a precursor protein, p55. This precursor protein is cleaved into 3 proteins-p15, p18 and p24, which make up the viral core and shell. The major core antigen is p24 which can be detected in the serum during the early stages of HIV infection.
- The env determines the synthesis of envelope glycoprotein gp160, which is cleaved into the two envelope components- gp120 which forms the surface spikes and gp41 which is the transmembrane anchoring protein. The gp120 is the major envelope antigen.
- The pol gene codes for the polymerase reverse transcriptase and other viral enzymes, such as protease and endonuclease. It is expressed as a precursor protein, which is cleaved into proteins p31, p51 and p66.
Nonstructural and regulatory genes :
- tat – trans activating gene enhancing the expression of all viral genes.
- nef – negative factor gene down regulates viral replication.
- rev – regulator of virus gene enhances expression of structural proteins.
- vif – viral infectivity factor gene influences infectivity of viral particles.
- vpu & vpx in HIV-1 & HIV-2 respectively, enhances maturation and release of progeny virus from cells.
- vpr – stimulates promoter region of the virus.
- LTR- long terminal repeat sequences, one at either end, containing sequences giving promoter, enhancer and integration signals.
HIV is a highly mutable
virus. It exhibits frequent antigenic variations, differences in nucleotide
sequences, cell tropism, growth characteristics and cytopathology. There are
differences between isolates from different places or persons, even from the
same person.
– HIV is thermolabile, being inactivated in 10 minutes at 600C
and in seconds at 1000C. at room temperature, in dried blood it may
survive upto 7 days. It withstands lyophilization. It is susceptible to common
disinfectants. It can be inactivated at room temperature in 10 minutes by
treatment with 50% ethanol, 35% isopropanol, 0.5% lysol, 0.5% paraformaldehyde,
0.3% hydrogen peroxide. Because of its lipid membrane envelope, it is highly
susceptible to detergents, so standard washing with detergents and hot water
are adequate for decontaminating clothes and household utensils. For treatment
of contaminated medical instruments, 2% glutaraldehyde solution is useful.
– There are three modes of transmission of HIV : sexual, parenteral, perinatal.
Of these 80% is
by sexual mode of transmission. During sexual intercourse virus gets
transmitted from man to man, man to woman and woman to man. There is a ten fold
increased risk for HIV transmission in patients with genital ulcers caused by
syphilis, chancroid and herpes and a four fold risk in gonorrhoea, chlamydial
infection, trichomoniasis and vaginosis. There are evidences that some STD
pathogens are more virulent in the presence of HIV related immunodeficiency.
Male circumcision provides significant protection against HIV and other STD
transmission may occur through blood transfusion. When blood is collected in
the window period (the interval between the time of exposure to the
virus and development of detectable levels of antibodies), tests for HIV
antibodies will be negative. This period varies from 1-3 months, therefore
screening of blood is not 100% safe. Infection can also be transmitted by blood
products like, plasma, serum and cells from HIV positives. It can also be
transmitted from the donors of bone marrow, semen and organs like cornea,
kidney, heart, etc. AIDS is also transmitted by sharing blood contaminated
syringes, barbor’s razor, needle-stick injury.
Perinatal or
vertical transmission from mother to baby
is transmitted across the placenta before birth. Some of those who do
not develop this infection before birth may develop it from the genital
secretions during birth and from mother’s milk after birth (very rare).
the social and domestic contact with the patient does not transmit infection.
Shaking hands, hugging, travelling with
an AIDS patient, sharing public telephone, toilets, cooking and eating
facilities or by the bite of mosquitoes, bed bugs, donating blood does not
transmit the infection. Saliva in adults contains some nonspecific inhibitory
substances like fibronectins which can prevent cell to cell transfer of virus.
Thus saliva is not likely a vehicle of HIV transmission.
: The virus attaches via its gp120 envelope glycoprotein spike to the
CD4 antigen complex which is the primary HIV receptor on T helper cells,
macrophages in lungs, dermis, monocytes, glial and microglial cells of the
central nervous system. T helper cells express the highest levels of CD4, hence
HIV is said to be lymphotropic. The expression of CD4 is not sufficient for HIV
infection, an additional membrane receptor, CD 26, which is having a protease
activity, binds to another cite on gp120. both CD4 and CD 26 binding to gp120
is required for HIV infection. After binding to the receptors, the viral
envelope fuses with the target cell plasma membrane, brought about by
the transmembrabe gp41. Then by pinocytosis, the nucleocapsid of the virion
enters into host cell. After entry, the nucleocapsid releases its RNA
into the cytoplasm. The viral reverse transcriptase, acting as an RNA-dependent
DNA polymerase, makes a DNA copy of the genomic RNA. The ssDNA is made double
stranded by the same enzyme and now acts as a DNA-dependent DNA polymerase, ie.
reverse transcription. This dsDNA moves to the nucleus and several such
molecules become integrated through the action of the viral enzyme
integrase, at random sites in the host cell chromosome causing a latent
infection. This latency remain until events within a virus infected cell
trigger activation of the provirus. Upon activation, the integrated
provirus is transcribed by cellular RNA polymerase II either for the production
of mRNAs which are translated into proteins or for the production of genomic
RNA for insertion into progeny virus. As the viral proteins begin to assemble
within the host cell, the host cell plasma membrane is modified by insertion of
gp41 and gp120. the virus leaves the cell by budding, acquiring a
lipoprotein envelope which contains lipid erived from the host cell membrane
and glycoproteins which are virus – encoded.
primary pathogenic mechanism in HIV infection is the damage caused to the CD4+
T lymphocyte. The T4 cells decrease in numbers and the T4: T8 (helper:
suppresser) cell ratio is reversed. Viral infection suppress the function of
infected cells without causing structural damage. Infected T cells do not
appear to release normal amounts of Interleukin-2, gamma interferon and other
lymphokines, therefore a marked damping effect on cell mediated immune
response. Humoral mechanism is also affected. Helper T cell activity is
essential for optimal B cell function. The polyclonal activation of B
lymphocytes leads to hypergammaglobulinemia. They are useless immunoglobulins
to irrelevant antigens and are autoantibodies. They may be responsible for
allergic reactions due to immune complexes. Monocyte – macrophage function is
affected apparently due to lack of secretion of activating factors by the T4
lymphocytes, as a result chemotaxis, antigen presentation and intracellular
killing by these cells are diminished. The activity of NK cells and cytotoxic T
lymphocytes is also affected.
Clinical features
– The CDC have classified the clinical course of HIV infection into following
groups :
1. Acute
HIV infection – Within 2-6 weeks of infection, most patients develop low
grade fever, malaise, headache, lymphadenopathy, sometimes with rash.
Spontaneous resolution occurs within one month. Tests for HIV antibodies are
usually negative at the onset of illness but become positive during its course,
hence the infection is also known as seroconversion illness. p24 antigen can be
demonstrated at the beginning of this phase.
2. Asymptomatic
or latent infection – All persons infected with HIV pass through a phase of
asymptomatic period of 1- 15 years. They show positive HIV antibody tests
during this phase and are infectious. In course of time the infection
progresses through various stages, such as, CD4 lymphocytopenia, opportunistic
infections, persistent generalized lymphadenopathy, AIDS related complex. The
CD4+ T cell count decreases steadily.
3. Persistent
generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL) – presence of enlarged lymph nodes of 1cm
diameter, in two or more noncontiguous extrainguinal sites and persist for at
least 3 months.
related complex (ARC) – This group includes patient with considerable
immunodeficiency, suffering from various opportunistic infections. The typical
constitutional symptoms are fatigue, unexplained fever, persistent diarrhoea
and marked weight loss. The common opportunistic infections are oral
candidiasis, herpes zoster, hairy cell leukoplakia, salmonellosis or TB.
Generalized lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly are usually present. ARC patients
are usually severely ill and many of them progress to AIDS in a few months.
– is the end-stage , the irreversible breakdown of immune defence
mechanisms, leaving the patient prey to progressive opportunistic infections
and malignancies. Dry cough, dyspnea, fever and the characteristic pathogens
are Pneumocystis carinii and M. tuberculosis. Recurrent pneumonia
is an indicative of AIDS. It affects gastrointestinal system, central nervous
system, skin and malignancies.
6. Dementia
– HIV may cause direct cytopathogenic damage in the central nervous system.
It can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause encephalopathy leading to loss
of higher infections, progressing to dementia.
7. Pediatric
AIDS – About a third to half the number of babies born to infected mothers
are infected with HIV. Many of the infected children may not survive for a
year. Children develop humoral immunodeficiency early, leading to recurrent
bacterial infections. Failure to thrive, chronic diarrhoea, lymphadenopathy, TB
are common manifestations.
Laboratory diagnosis
– Laboratory tests employed for the diagnosis of HIV infection may be
classified into 3 groups :
1. Screening
tests – are serological tests which are used to screen antibodies against
HIV. These are of 3 types :
– is a highly sensitive and specific test and a standard
procedure for diagnosing HIV infection, but requires expensive equipments and
takes time. The antigen is obtained from HIV grown in continuous T lymphocyte
cell line or by recombinant techniques. The antigen is coated on microtitre
wells, the test serum is added, and if the antibody is present, it binds to the
antigen. After washing away the unbound serum, antihuman immunoglobulin linked
to a suitable enzyme is added, followed by a colour forming substrate. A
photometrically detectable colour is formed , read by special ELISA readers.
False positive reactions if rheumatoid factor or other autoantibodies present.
b. Rapid
tests – total reaction time is 30 minutes, do not require expensive
equipment but are more expensive per test than ELISA.
c. Simple
tests – takes 1-2 hours, do not require expensive equipment, based on
ELISA principle.
2. Supplemental
tests – also detects antibodies against HIV.
a. Western
blot assay – highly specific and sensitive. In this assay, HIV proteins
from detergent disrupted purified virions are separated according to their
electrophoretic mobility and molecular weight by PAGE, then blotted on to
nitrocellulose membrane . the membrane is then cut into strips. Antibodies
which attach to separated viral antigens on the strip are detected by antihuman immunoglobulin antibody to which
enzyme is tagged. Enzyme substrate is subsequently added, colour change in the
presence of substrate if positive. The position of the band on the strip
indicates the antigen with which the antibody has reacted.
b. Immunofluorescence
test – In this test, HIV infected cells are acetone fixed on to glass
slides and then reacted with test serum followed by fluorescein conjugated-
antiimmunoglobulin. A positive reaction appears as apple green fluorescence of
cell membrane under fluorescence microscope.
3. Confirmatory
tests – These are the tests which confirm HIV infection in an individual .
a. Virus
isolation – HIV can be isolated from patient’s peripheral blood
lymphocytes by cocultivation with normal healthy donor’s lymphocytes in the
presence of mitogens and IL-2, a T cell growth factor. The isolation is a slow process taking 3-6 weeks. The presence
of the virus is detected by assays for reverse transcriptase and p24 antigen in
the culture fluid. Rarely the virus can be isolated from plasma, CSF, genital
secretions, brain and bone marrow.
b. Detection
of p24 antigen – detected in the serum by ELISA. As the antibody
response builds up antigen tests become negative. Late in infection the antigen
may reappear.
c. Detection
of viral nucleic acid – detected by hybridization and PCR.
Saliva is an
acceptable and often favourable alternative to serum for HIV antibody testing,
it is safer than blood as it is rarely found in the saliva of HIV infection,
the concentration is low in the saliva, no possible needle stick injury
associated with the specimen collection.
Prophylaxis &
Treatment – The prevention depends on health education,
identification of sources. No specific vaccine is available because :
the virus
mutate rapidly and possible recombination between different HIV strains.
virus normally enters by the mucosal route,
therefore the vaccine should induce IgA antibody.
Virus astablishes lifelong latent infections
hiding from antibody.
Virus infects the cells of the immune system.
AIDS treatment include : the treatment and
prophylaxis of infections, general management,immunorestorative measures,
specific anti-HIV agents. Prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment of
opportunistic infections and tumors in the early stage and the patient can
resume normal life in between the episodes of the disease. General management
requires the understanding and cooperation of the health staff and relatives.
In immunorestorative therapy, the administration of IL-2, thymic factors,
leucocyte transfusion. A number of effective drugs Zidovudine (a nucleoside
analogue), didanosine, lamivudine, protease inhibitors ritonavir, indinavir.
HERPES VIRUS PERMANENT TREATMENT The herpes simplex virus is a contagious virus that can be passed from person to person through direct contact.Children will often contract HSV-1 from early contact with an infected adult. They then carry the virus with them for the rest of their life.Infection with HSV-1 can happen from general interactions such as eating from the same utensils, sharing lip balm, or kissing. The virus spreads more quickly when an infected person is experiencing an outbreak. Additionally,it is possible to get genital herpes from HSV-1 if the individual has had cold sores and performed sexual activities during that time.HSV-2 is contracted through forms of sexual contact with a person who has HSV-2. It is estimated that around 20 percent of sexually active adults within the United States have been infected with HSV-2, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). ( AAD ) While HSV-2 infections are spread by coming into contact with a herpes sore, the AAD reports that most people get HSV-1 from an infected person who is a symptomatic, or does not have sores.having multiple sex partners being female having another sexually transmitted infection (STI) having a weakened immune system
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