The Picornaviridae family comprises
of a large number of very small RNA (pico:small, rna;RNA) viruses with a size
of 27-30 nm. They are nonenveloped viruses, resistant to ether and other lipid
solvents. Two groups of picornaviruses are of medical importance, the enteroviruses that parasitise the
enteric tract and the rhinoviruses that infect the nasal mucosa. Enteroviruses
include Polioviruses type 1, 2, 3, Coxsackie viruses A & B, Enterovirus
type 68-72.
Polioviruses causes poliomyelitis, a very ancient disease.
Morphology : The virion is a spherical particle, about 27nm in diameter, composed
of 60 subunits, each with 4 viral subproteins- VP1, VP2, VP3, VP4, arranged in
an icosahedral symmetry. The genome is a single strand of positive sense RNA,
ie.,it can be directly translated by host ribosomes to form a polyprotein.
Resistance : Resistant to ether, chloroform, bile, proteolytic enzymes of the
intestinal contents and detergents. It is stable at pH 3 in faeces it can
survive for months at 40C and years at –200C. It is
readily inactivated by heat,ie., 550C for 30 minutes. Chlorination
destroy the virus in water but organic matter delays inactivation. Milk and
icecream provides protection from heat inactivation.
Host range & Cultivation : Two antigens-C
& D. D antigen is the dense antigen associated with the whole virion
and is type specific. The C antigen is less specific and associated with
non infectious viruses. Natural infection only in humans, experimentally in
monkeys, chimpanzees. The virus grows readily in tissue cultures of primate
origin. Primary monkey kidney cultures are used for diagnostic cultures and
vaccine production. The infected cells round up, eosinophilic intranuclear
inclusion bodies may be demonstrated in stained preparations.
Pathogenicity : The virus is transmitted by
the oral-faecal route through ingestion. The virus usually multiplies in the
epithelial cells of the alimentary canal, tonsils and the lymphatic tissues. It
then spreads to the regional lymph nodes and enters the blood stream. After
further multiplication in tne reticuloendothelial system, the virus enters the
blood stream again and is carried to the brain and spinal cord. In the cental
nervous system virus multiplies in the neurons and destroys them. Lesions are mostly in the anterior of the spinal cord
and causes paralysis. The nature and degree of paralysis depend on which
neurons in the spinal cord and brain are infected and how severely they are
The incubation period is about 10
days. The earliest symptoms include fever, headache, sore throat, malaise which
lasts for 1-5 days. This is called minor illness. If the infection
progresses, the minor illness is followed 3-4 days later by major illness,ie.,
the fever comes on again, along with headache, stiff neck and other features of
meningitis. This marks the stage of viral invasion of the central nervous
system. Mortality range from 5-10% and is mainly due to respiratory failure.
Recovery of the paralyzed muscles takes place in the next 4-8 weeks and is
usually complete after 6 months, leaving behind varying degrees of residual
paralysis. Malnutrition, physical exhaustion, corticosteroids, radiation and
pregnancy can increase the severity of the disease.
Neural spread may occur in children
with inapparent infection at the time of tonsillectomy. Poliovirus present in
the oropharynx may enter nerve fibres exposed during surgery and spread to
brain. There are 4 types of poliovirus infection: Inapparent infection –
patient does not have any symptom but the virus may be isolated from stool or
throat, seen in 90-95% individuals. Minor illness – patient develop
mild, transient influenza -like illness, seen in 4-8% cases. Non-paralytic
poliomyelitis – in addition to minor illness patient also develops
headache, neck stiffness and back pain, illness lasts for 2-10 days with rapid
and complete recovery, seen in 1-2% individuals. Paralytic poliomyelitis
– patient develops paralysis during the course of illness, occur in 0.1-2%
Diagnosis : is made by isolating the virus
from pharyngeal swabs or faeces, culturing it and noting its cytopathic
effects. Methods such as complement fixation tests are available for
identifying antibodies to the virus in the serum.
Immunity : in poliomyelitis is type specific. Humoral immunity provided by
circulating and secretory antibody is responsible for protection against
poliomyelitis. IgM antibody appears within a week of infection and lasts for
about 6 months. IgG antibody persists for life. Secretory IgA in the
gastrointestinal tract provides mucosal immunity preventing intestinal
infection and virus shedding. Breast milk containing IgA antibody protects
infants from infection.
Prophylaxis : Live polio vaccine is administered orally and is ∴ known as oral polio vaccine(OPV/Sabin), was developed by Albert Sabin
in 1962. it contains live attenuated strains of the three serotypes of
poliovirus grown in cultures of monkey kidney cells or human diploid cells. The
virus in the vaccine is unable to multiply in the CNS and therefore lacks
neurovirulence. This oral vaccine stimulates both local secretory IgA
antibodies in the pharynx and alimentary tract and humoral IgG antibodies.
Virus is excreted in the faeces for several weeks. Precautions should be taken
to ensure freedom from extraneous agents like SV 40. a single dose should be
sufficient to establish infection and immunity, but in practice 3 doses are
given at 4-8 week intervals, to ensure that all 3 types of the vaccine virus
multiply in the intestine, overcoming interference among themselves and with
other enteric viruses. Killed vaccine or Inactivated Polio Vaccine
(IPV/Salk) is given by deep subcutaneous or intramuscular injection. It was
developed by Jonas Salk in 1956. Three doses given 4-6 weeks apart, followed by
a booster 6 months later. IPV produces long lasting immunity to all 3
poliovirus types. It stimulates the production of IgG antibodies in the
serum. Immunisation provides a tool for
eradicating the disease altogether.
Coxsackie viruses are typical enteroviruses. It is necessary to
employ young mice for the isolation of the virus. Adult mices are not
susceptible. Some types grow well in monkey kidney tissue cultures, HeLa cells.
The viruses have an affinity for the pericardium and myocardium. They can cause
meningoencephalitis, diarrhoea, rashes, pharyngitis, liver diseases. Epidemic
muscle pain, diabetes and inflammation of the pancreas, heart muscle and
pericardium are associated with Coxsackie B virus. The virus is highly infectious,
spread among family members and institutions. Infections occur by oral-faecal
route. The infections during pregnancy causes congenital defects.
Diagnosis : Virus isolation from the lesions
or from faeces made by inoculation into suckling mice. Identification by
studying the tissues of the mice and neutralisation tests.
Prophylaxis : Vaccination is not practicable as there are several serotypes and
immunity is type specific.
Rhinoviruses resembles the size and structure
of other picornaviruses. They are more acid labile, but heat stable. They are
inactivated below pH 6, relatively stable at 20-370C. Apart from
humans they produce infection in chimpanzees only. They can be grown in tissue
cultures of human/simian origin with cytopathic changes.
Pathogenicity: Rhinoviruses are the most common cause of common colds or coryza. The
virus attaches to receptors on nasal ciliated epithelial cells, enters and
replicates within them, spreading to other cells. The cilia and cells are
damaged and the epithelium is subjected to secondary bacterial infection. Since
they grow best at 33-340C, replicate in the epithelium of the upper
respiratory tract, where air movements lower the tissue temperature. Local
inflammation and cytokines may be responsible for the symptoms of common cold.
Interferon production occurs early and specific antibody appears in nasal
Cold viruses spread often by
fomites, blowing the nose and handling used tissues contaminates the fingers so
that anything touched becomes contaminated. Using tissues once, discarding them
immediately in covered containers and thoroughly washing hands after each nose
wipe can significantly reduce the spread of rhinoviruses.
Diagnosis & Prophylaxis: Isolation of the
virus obtained from nasal or throat swabs collected early in the infection, in
human cell cultures. Cytopathic effects take 2 weeks to appear. Experiments
with certain kinds of human interferon blocks or limits rhinovirus infections.
ECHOviruses – Enteric Cytopathogenic Human
Orphan viruses(ECHO viruses), since they could not be associated with
any particular clinical disease, they are called orphans. These viruses infects
only human beings naturally. Most of the infections are asymptomatic. Fever
with rash and aseptic meningitis. Occasional cases of paralysis and hepatic
necrosis have also been reported. Faeces, throat swabs, CSF inoculated into
monkey kidney tissue cultures and virus growth detected by cytopathic changes.
They inhabit the alimentary tract primarily and are spread by the faecal-oral
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