Gram positive rod shaped, causes
acne.It is most often the result of male sex hormones that stimulates sebaceous
glands to increase insize and secrete more sebum. It occurs in both sexes,
because the hormones are produced by the adrenal glands as well as by the
testes. Microorganisms feed on sebum, and ducts of the glands and surrounding tissues become inflamed.
‘Black heads’ are a mild form of
acne in which hair foliicles and sebaceous glands become plugged with sebum and
keratin. In most severe cases, the plugged ducts becomes inflammed, ruptured
and releases secretions. Propionibacterium
acnes infect the area and
cause more inflammation, more tissue destruction. Such lesions can be widely
distributed over the body, and some becomes encysted in connective tissue.
Acne is treated with frequent
cleansing of the skin and topical ointments to reduce the risk of infection.
Oral antibiotics such as tetracycline prescribed in low doses to control
bacterial infections. The drug Accutane, derived from a molecule related to
Vitamin A, is now used to treat severe, persistent acne. It causes side effects
such as intestinal bleeding. In most cases acne disappears or decreases in
severity as the body adjusts to the hormonal changes of puberty and as the
functioning of sebaceous glands stabilizes.
3 classes: Bacteroides, Flavobacteria, Sphingobacteria
Bacteroides contains anaerobic, gram –ve
,non sporing motile or nonmotile rods of various shapes.These are
chemoheterotrophic & usually produce a mixture of organic acids as
fermentation end products.These bacteria grow in habitats such as the oral
cavity & intestinal tract of humans & other animals & the rumen of
Often they benefit
their host.The species in ruminants Bacteroides ruminicola ferments starch,
pectin, & other COH. The Bacteroides in humans provides extra nutrition by
degrading cellulose, pectins & other complex COHs.
The members are
also involved in human disease. They are associated with diseases of major
organ systems ie. From CNS to the skeletal system. Bacteroides fragilis is an
anaerobic pathogen found in abdominal, pelvic, pulmonary and blood infections.
- caused by B.fragilis &
other Enterobacteriaceae members.They cause septic shock,accompanied by low BP
and the collapse of blood vessels.Antibiotics
worsen the situation as when they kill micro
organisms,the disintegrating
organisms release large quantities of
hemolysin,causing more damage to host’s
blood vessel,and blood pressure drops further.
Symptoms are fever,shock,red
streaks due to inflamed lymphatic vessels,
beneath the skin.
Diagnosis by blood culturing, urine culture etc.
Bacteroides have a typical G-ve cell wall
structure.surrounded by a
polysaccharide capsule. The LPS of cell wall has little or no endotoxin
activity.This is because lipid A of LPS
lacks phosphate groups on the glucosamine residues and number of fatty acids
linked to the amino sugars in reduced.
Virulence factors
A variety of virulence factors that
facilitate adherence of the organisms to host tissues, protection from the host
immune response & tissue destruction.
Capsule, fimbriae are present.
Resist O2 Toxicity- because of superoxide dismutase & catalase.
Antiphagocytic- Capsule, LPC, Volatile fatty acids.
Tissue destruction-
Hemolysins, Proteases, Collagenase, Fibrinolysin, Neuraminidase, NAGase etc.
Skin & soft tissue infections:
Although anaerobic G-ve bacteria are
not part of the normal flora of the skin, they can be introduced by a bite or
by contamination of infected surface. In
some cases the organisms may simply colonize a wound but not produce
disease, while sometimes colonization quickly progress to life-threatening
disease such as myonecrosis. B.fragilis is the organism mostly associated.
infections- B.fragilis is responisible for abscess formation in
gynecological infections.
1) Microscopy-
Suspected samples collected & observed under microscope after staining.
2) Culture- Specimens should be
collected & transported to the laboratory in an oxygen free system,
promptly inoculated on anaerobic media & cultured anaerobically. Since most
anaerobe infections are endogenous, it is important that the specimens
collected should not contaminated with normal flora on the adjacent mucosal
The preliminary
indentification is made by Gram stain & colony morphology, resistance to
kaesamycin , vancomycin, stimulated growth in 20% bile.
Prevention & Control :
produce beta-lactamase, therefore are resistant to penicillin &
cephalosporins.High concentrations of some penicillins, beta-lactamase
inhibitors can be used. Metronidazole is active, & is the choice for
it is an important part of the normal flora, the disease is virtually
impossible to control. It is important to recognize that diagnostic or surgical
procedures disrupting the natural barriers around the mucosal surfaces can
introduce these organisms into sterile sites. If these barriers are invaded,
tretment with antibiotics may be indicated.
-are small, G-ve bacilli adapted to obligate intercellular
parasitism, transmitted by arthropod vectors. They are primary parasites of
arthropods such as lice, ticks, in which they are found in the alimentary
canal. In vertebrates, they infect vascular endothelium, recticuloendothelial
This pleomorphic coccobacilli are
nonmotile, non capsulated. They stain bluish purple with Giemsa. It has a 3
layered cell wall, a trilaminar plasma membrane, outer
Slime layer.
Growth occurs in the cytoplasm of
infected cells, nucleus etc. The optimium
temperature is 32- 35 C. They are readily cultivated in
the yolk sac of chick embryos,
HeLa cells etc,
in arthropods.
They are inactivated by physical, chemical agents.
They are rapidly destroyed at room temperature. When separated from host
components, susceptible to tetracycline, chloranphenicol, ciprofloxacin.
Sulfonamides enhance the growth & worsen the condition of patients.
Rickettsia have species & group
specific antigens, such as surface protein antigens (SPA) & outer
membrane proteins (OMP), also a third surface antigen ie. an
Alkali stable polysaccharide. This antigen is found in some
Rickettsiae & in some strains of Proteus bacilli.
Weil-Felix Reaction:
During world war 1st
Austrian Bacteriologists Edmond Weil & Arthur Felix were in
charge of diagnosing typhus fever, an arthropod borne, caused by Rickettisis in
the Austrian army. In 1916, they developed the agglutination test for typhus.
The Weil-Felix
reaction is based on the detection of cross-reactive antibodies. In this test,
antibodies produced in response to a particular rickettsial infection,
agglutinate bacterial strains of Proteus such as OX-19,OX-2,OX-k. These cross reactions occurs because rickettsial
strains possess cell wall antigen ie. alkali stable polysaccharide similar to
the ‘O’ cell wall antigen of Proteus strains. But Proteus sps. are normal flora of human beings &
may cause urinary tract tract infections. Therefore the presence of antibodies
to Proteus OX strain could not be considered an absolute criterion for the
presence of rickettsial disease.
Rickettsias are named after Howard
T.Ricketts who identified them as the causative agents of Typhus & Rocky
Mountain spotted fevers. [Died of lab infections from these highly infections
Typhus fever forms grow in the
cytoplasm of infected cells. Rocky Mountain spotted fever grow in both nucleus
& the cytoplasm. They are cultured only in cells, embryonated eggs. Despite
improved laboratory designs & equipments, vaccine, the infection is common
& fatal.
The organisms invade, damage the
cells of blood vessel linings and cause the linings to leak, which causes skin
lesions & petechiae-pin point hemorrhages common in skin folds. It also
causes fever, headache, extreme weakness, liver & spleen enlargement, skin
1) Typhus fever – 3 types a) Epidemic typhus
Endemic typhus
Scrub typhus.
typhus – [Classic, European/ Louse borne typhus]
caused by Rickettsia prowazekki. The disease is common during wars, over
crowding, poor sanitation. The disease is transmitted by human body louse, Pediculus humanis corporis. After
a louse feeds on an infected person, rickettsias multiply in its digestive
tract & are shed in its faeces. When a louse bites, it defecates & the
infected lice deposit organism next to a bite & die of typhus in a few
weeks. As victims scratch bites, they inoculate organisms into the wound. The
infected lice abandon dead bodies or people with high fevers, moving to &
infecting new hosts.
After 12 days
incubation, fever & headache is abrupt & after 7 days a rash on the trunk & spread to
extremities, but spares face, palm & soles.
Antibiotic therapy should be
started immediately. The disease can be prevented by eradicating lice with
insecticides & maintaining hygienic living conditions. A vaccine is
available. Recovery gives lifetime immunity, except in Brill-Zinser disease.
Brill-Zinser disease – is
a recurrence of typhus infection, named after, Nathan Brill &
Hans Zinser in 1930s. This disease has milder symptoms, shorter duration
& no skin rash. It is caused by reactivation of latent organisms harbored
in lymph nodes. Despite rigorous treatment, some victims of typhus still
develop this disease. It can be distinguished from epidemic typhus by the type
of antibodies formed . epidemic typhus first elicits IgM & then IgG
antibodies, whereas Brill-Zinser disease elicity. IgG antibodies being a
secondary response.
typhus- [Murine typhus- because of the association
with rats, flea-borne typhus] caused by R.typhi. Rat flea Xenopsylla cheopis
multiplies in the gut of the flea
& shed in its faeces. The fleas defecates while biting host, & host
scratches the organisms enter into through the wound. After 10- 14 days
incubation fever, chills, headache, followed by a rash in 3- 4 days. It lasts
about 2 weeks if untreated.
typhus [tsutsugamoshi disease] caused by R.tsutsugamoshi
transmitted by a bad little bug or mite, that feeds on rats in Japan,
Australia. After 10-12 days incubation, scrub typhus begins with fever, chills,
headache. Many patients develop sloughing lesions at the bite sites & later
a spotty rash. Infectious prevented by controlling mite population.
Mountain spotted fever
First recognized in Rocky Mountain states in 1900. The disease is caused
by R.rickettsii, transmitted
by ticks of the genus, Dermacentor. Ticks are not harmed by the rickettsiae & remain infected for
life. The organisms are shed in ticks faeces but transmission to human beings
primarily by a bite as the organism invade the salivary gland of the ticks.
After 3-4 days incubation, onset of fever, headache, weakness is abrupts,
followed in 2-4 days by a rash. The rash begins on ankles & wrists,
prominent on palms & soles & progresses toward the trunk (just reverse
of typhus fever). Spots are caused by blood leaking out of damaged blood
vessels beneath the skin surface, they coalesce as blood leaks from many
damaged sites. Blood vessels in the organs throughout
the body are damaged.
The fever can be prevented by wearing
protective clotting & by vigilantly inspecting clothing & skin during
visits to tick infected areas. Inspecting children’s hair is important.
Eventhough vaccine is available, it is not effective completely.
Laboratory diagnosis
Rickettsial diseases may be diagnosed in the laboratory either by
isolation of the rickettsiae or by serology. They can be isolated in male
guinea pigs or mice from inoculated intraperitoneally. The animals are observed
for 3-4 weeks & the temperature is recorded daily. Their response varies
with Rickettsial species. Some may dies. Smears from peritoneum, spleen of
infected animals may be stained with Giemsa.
Serological diagnosis can be done by
Weil-Felix reaction (explain). The test is usually done as a tube agglutination
or rapid slide agglutination.
The most frequently used serological method
using rickettsial antigens is the complement fixation test. This may be done
using the group-specific soluble antigen, or the type-specific rickettsial
Coxiella burnetti is pleomorphic rods, spheres. It is filterable.
In dried faeces, wool it survives for a year at 4 C. It is not inactivated by
60C, 1% phenol. In milk it survive holding method pasteurization, while
susceptible to flash method. It grows well in the chick embryo yolk sac. It has
2 forms –large & small variants. The large-cell variant produces terminal
endospore, thereby giving resistance.
C.burnetti causes Q-fever (first discovered in Queensland,
Australia, Q-stands for query- because determining which organism caused it
remained a question for a long time). Unlike other rickettsias, this organism
survives long periods outside cells & can be transmitted aerially or by
Once C.burnetti cells with endospore
like bodies inside them have been inhaled, they are phagocytized by host cells,
and they grow in phagolysosomes of host cells. There they respondto the acidic
conditions by increasing their metabolism & multiplying rapidly until they
almost fill infected cells. Eventually
the cell ruptures releasing the pathogenic bacteria. These pathogens,
when spread by the blood stream, infect other body cells.
C.burnetti exist all over the world, especially in cattle,
sheep-raising areas. Wild animals & cattle are normal hosts. The bacteria
are transmitted via tick bites, faeces & genital secretions of infected
animals. Humans become infected by inhaling aerosol droplets from infected
domestic animals. Farmers become infected while attending a cow giving birth or
miscarrying if the placenta is laden with organisms. Slaughter house and
tannery workers become infected by inhaling dried tick faeces from animal
hides.because of its resistance to drying, Coxiella remain viable in the
environment for long periods of time. Transmission to human also occurs by the
ingestion of milk from contaminated animals. Flash pasteurization eliminates
the hazard.
Chills, fever, headache, malaise
& severe sweats. The incubation period is 18-20 days. Diagnosis by
serologic testing or by direct immunofluorescent antibody staining.
Treatment with antibodies – tetracycline, fluoroquinolone. Lifelong immunity follows, a
vaccine is available.
Untreated or inadequately treated Q fever, remits. Corisone treatment
reactivate it. In chronic cases, endocarditis & heart value infections are
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