predominant aerobic bacterial flora of the large intestine of human beings and
animals is composed of non-sporing, non-acid fast, Gram negative bacilli.
Members of this group are included in a complex family, Enterobacteriaceae.
Some are capsulated, some not, some are motile and some non-motile. They are
oxidase negative and catalase positive and reduce nitrates to nitrites, aerobes
and facultative anaerobes, grow readily on ordinary media, MacConkey agar and
ferment glucose in peptone water with the production of either acid or acid and
gas. The property of lactose fermentation is of great importance for the
isolation and identification of enterobacteria from clinical specimens.
1. Escherichia
species E. coli, which is a parasite, living only in human or animal
intestine. In faeces, it remains viable only for some days. Detection of E.
coli in drinking water is taken as evidence of recent pollution with human
or animal faeces.
Morphology &
Cultural Characteristics - It is a Gram negative, straight rod,
measuring 1.3 X 0.4- 0.7 ยตm
arranged singly or in pairs. It is motile by peritrichate flagella. Spores are
not formed. Some strains possess capsules and fimbriae.
It is an aerobe and a facultative anaerobe.
The temperature range is 10-40°C. Good
growth on ordinary media. Colonies are large, thick, grayish white, moist,
smooth, opaque or partially translucent discs. Many pathogenic isolates have
polysaccharide capsules, \ some occur
in the mucoid form. Also pathogens are hemolytic on blood agar. On Mac Conkey’s
medium, colonies are bright pink due to lactose fermentation. It can be
inhibited by sodium selenite, sodium tetrathionate and brilliant green, 7%
Biochemical reactions
- The 4 biochemical tests are the indole, methyl red, Voges-proskauer and
Citrate utilization tests, ie., IMViC. E. coli is indole and MR
positive. VP and citrate negative. Gelatin is not liquefied, H2S not
formed and urea is not split. It ferments glucose, mannitol, maltose, lactose,
sucrose with the production of acid and gas.
Antigenic Structure
- E. coli has four antigens – the somatic antigen O, the capsular
antigen K, flagellar antigen H and the fimbrial antigen F.
O antigens : heat stable, lipopolysaccharide
antigens of cell wall, 173 different O antigens have been described.
K antigens : acidic polysaccharide,
located in the envelope or microcapsule, 103 antigens are known.
H antigens : thermolabile, 75 antigens
have been recognized.
F antigens : thermolabile proteins.
The K antigen
located in the envelope or microcapsule encloses the O antigen and renders the
strain inagglutinable by the O antiserum. It may also contribute to virulence
factors in E. coli - surface Ag and toxins. Fimbriae also promote virulence,
which is important in urinary tract infections. E. coli produce 2
kinds of toxins - hemolysins and enterotoxins. Hemolysins do not appear to be
relevant, but enterotoxins are important in the pathogenesis of diarrhea. Three
types of enterotoxins - heat labile toxin (LT),
heat stable toxin (ST) and verotoxin (VT) (because of its toxic effect on vero cells, a
cell line derived from African green monkey kidney cells).
On the basis of
O antigens, E. coli is subdivided into a number of O groups, which are
divided into subgroups on the basis of K antigens and again divided based on
the H antigens. Thus a strain of E.
coli is recorded as O1111: K58: H12.
Resistance / Viability
- E. coli is excreted in faeces
of man and animals in very large numbers and contaminate soil and water. It is
killed by moist heat at 600C usually within 30 minutes. In water it
can be killed by 0.5-1 part per million chlorine.
Toxins –
Enterotoxins : ETEC strains produce a heat
labile toxin (LT) or a heat stable toxin (ST) or both, in which the production
is under the genetic control of transmissible plasmids called ent
plasmids.(a) Heat-Labile Toxin – a heat labile protein which is destroyed by
heating at 650C for 30 minutes. It is composed of one enzymatically
active polypeptide A subunit and 5 identical subunits. The toxin binds to the
epithelial cells of the small intestine, enters and activates adenylate
cyclase, which results in the conversion of
ATP to cAMP, which initiates hypersecretion of electrolytes and fluids
into the lumen resulting in watery diarrhoea.(b) Heat-Stable Toxin- a low
molecular weight polypeptide and poorly immunogenic, not destroyed by heating
at 1000C for 30 minutes. It activates guanylate cyclase, therefore
increased production of cGMP.
Haemolysin : bring about lysis of RBCs of some
species, E. coli haemolytic strains obtain iron from the lysed
erythrocytes of the host.
Verotoxin : a phage encoded cytotoxin, cytotoxic
to Vero cells, shiga-like toxins.
Pathogenicity - E. coli forms a part of normal intestinal flora of man and animals. It can cause four main types of syndromes : urinary tract infections, diarrhea, pyogenic infections and septicaemia.
Urinary tract infection may be by
urinary obstruction due to prostatic enlargement or pregnancy. The asymptomatic
infection in pregnant women, if untreated will become symptomatic and causes
hypertension which leads to prematurity or perinatal death of the foetus. UTIs(Urinary Tract Infections) are among the most common of all
infections. It cause inflammation of the urethra ie., urethritis and
inflammation of the bladder, ie., cystitis. Since infection easily
spreads from the urethra to the bladder, most infections are urethrocystitis.
Infectious agents (other than E.
reach the bladder of females faster than males because of the short
urethra of females, and so women are affected more. A major cause of UTIs is
incomplete emptying of the bladder during urination, \ retained urine serves as a reservoir for microbial growth, thereby
infection. Pregnant ladies are more susceptible to infection because of the
compressing of bladder by expanding uterus, decreased flow of urine through the
ureters etc. and \there will be some
amount of urine in the bladder always. While in men the prostate tends to
enlarge with age and constrict the urethra. Some people do not visit the
bathroom often enough, thus it is important for both females and males to empty
the bladder frequently and completely. Infections usually begin in the lower
urethra and ascend, to cause inflammation of the kidneys or pyelonephritis.
Less often, infections begin in the kidneys and descend to urethra.
Diagnosis- Normal urine is sterile, but during voiding may become
contaminated with genital commensals. Therfore, clean-voided midstream urine is
collected. The urine must be processed immediately as the contaminating
bacteria readily multiply otherwise refrigerated. Microscopic examination of
urine is done to detect the presence of increased number of polymorphs. The
deposit of the centrifuged urine examined for the presence of pus cells, RBCs
and bacteria. Presence of more than 3 pus cells per high field is suggestive of
infection. The culture of urine can be prepared by streaking on Mac Conkey
medium, Blood agar and the population estimated by TPC method.
UTI is treated with
antibiotics - amoxicillin, sulfonamides. It can be prevented by good personal
hygiene and frequent complete emptying of the bladder.
causing E. coli is divided into 5 different strains :
E. coli (EPEC) : Associated with diarrhea in infants
and children and is sporadic. It adhere to the mucosa of the upper small
intestine intimately, cause disruption of
microvilli, do not ordinarily produce enterotoxins. Identified by
plating on blood agar and Mac Conkey and serotyped.
Enterotoxigenic E.
coli (ETEC)
(Traveller’s diarrhoea) : It is endemic and affect all age
groups. It contain a plasmid that enables them to make an enterotoxin. They
attach to the mucosa by attatchment pili or fimbriae.
Enteroinvasive E.
coli (EIEC) : It have a plasmid with a gene coding
for a particular surface antigen, K antigen, which enables the strains to
attach and invade mucosal cells. These strains are non-motile, non-lactose
fermenter. Resembles shigellosis, occur in children, adults.
E. coli (EHEC) : causes bloody diarrhea. It invades
vascular endothelial cells, occur in young children and elders. Sporadic food
poisoning. The source of infection is contamination by human, animal faeces.
Changing life styles and eating habits, with growing popularity of fast foods
have led to a remarkable increase in EHEC food poisoning. Other than non
vegetables, the source of infection can be salad vegetables, in which the
bacteria found beneath the skin and deeper tissues. Washing & cooking would
not remove the bacteria from such vegetables.
E. coli (EAEC) : Associated with persistent diarrhea,
produce a low molecular weight heat stable enterotoxin. It causes shortening of
villi, hemorrhagic necrosis.
Laboratory Diagnosis – Faeces or rectal swabs is inoculated on Mac Conkey agar. Colonies
tested by agglutination with polyvalent and monovalent O antisera.
Pyogenic infections- E. coli is
the most common cause of intra-abdominal infections.They also cause pyogenic
infections in the perianal area and an important cause of neonatal meningitis.
For the diagnosis pus, wound swab, blood, CSF etc. are processed.
Septicaemia- Blood
stream invasion by E. coli may lead to fatal conditions like septic
shock and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome. For the diagnosis
pus, wound swab, blood, CSF etc. are processed.
The strains show
multiple drug resistance,so antibiotic sensitivity tesing of strains is
important in treatment.
2. Salmonella
The genus Salmonella consists
of bacilli that parastiise the intestines of a large number of vertebrate
species and infect human beings, leading to enteric fever, gastroenteritis,
Morphology & Cultural Characteristics
- Salmonella are gram negative rods,1-3 x 0.5 mm in size.They are motile with peritrichate flagella,gthe only
non-motile type is S. gallinarum. They do not form capsules,
spores , but fimbriae.
They are aerobic and facultatively anaerobic, grows on simple
media at pH 6-8, temperature 15-45°C.
On nutrient agar or blood agar, colonies are large, 2-3 mm diameter, circular,
low convex and smooth, translucent. On Mac Conkey, colourless colonies due to
non-lactose fermentation. On bismuth sulphite medium, jet black colonies with a
metallic sheen are formed due to H2S production. The species which
do not form H2S produce green colonies. Tetrathionate broth,
Selenite F Broth are used as enrichment media.
Biochemical Reactions - ferment glucose,
maltose forming acid and gas. They are indole negative, MR positive, VP
negative, Citrate positive. They need tryptophan as growth factor. Most
salmonellae give a positive reaction for H2S in triple sugar iron
agar, fail to hydrolyse urea and deaminate phenylalanine.
Resistance - The bacilli are killed by moist heat at 55°C for 1 hr, boiling, chlorination,
pasteurization. In polluted water and soil,they survive for weeks and in ice
for months. They are killed by 0.2% mercuric chloride or 5% phenol within 5
Antigenic Structure - Salmonellae possess
flagellar antigen H, somatic antigen O and surface antigen Vi. These antigens
undergo variations.
H antigens : present on flagella, heat
labile and alcohol labile, heating at 1000C for 30 minutes detaches
all flagella.
O antigens : heat stable polysaccharides form part of the
cell wall LPS, withstand boiling for 2.5 hours, alcohol stable, hydrophilic.
Surface antigens : (a) Vi antigen –
envelops the O antigen, heat labile, acidic polysaccharide, destroyed at 1000C
for 1 hour. (b) M antigen- a loose extracellular polysaccharide slime, boiling
for 2.5 hours destroys it. (c) F antigens – on fimbriae.
- The most important species are S. typhi, S. paratyphi A, B and C which
cause enteric/typhoid fever, S. choleraesuis which causes septicaemia
and S. typhimurium / S .enteritidis which causes food
Typhoid fever/Enteric
fever : one of the most serious of
the epidemic enteric infections, caused by S. typhi. The organisms enter
the body through contaminated food or water and invade the mucosa of the upper
small intestine. The bacteria attach themselves to the microvilli by means of
adhesins on the bacterial surface From there they invade lymphoid tissues and
are phagocytized by neutrophils and macrophages.They resist intracellular
killing and multiply in the phagocytes, emerge and continue to to invade the
blood stream, a transient bacteraemia. During this period the bacilli is seeded
in the gall bladder, spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, lungs, kidneys, where
further multiplication takes place. After multiplication in these organs,
bacilli pass into the blood, causing a second and heavier bacteraemia. The
organisms multiply in the gall bladder and are discharged continuously into the
intestine, will become inflammed, especially Peyer’s patches, lymphoid tissues
of ileum. They undergo necrosis and slough off, leaving behind characteristic typhoid
ulcers .
Incubation period is 8-15 days. During the first week, the
patient suffers from headache, malaise and fever due to an endotoxin. During
the second week, the patient’s condition worsens as the organisms invade many
tissues, including the intestinal mucosa and are excreted in the stools. The
typhoid bacilli multiply in bile, organisms from the gall bladder reinfect the
intestinal mucosa and lymphoid tissues such as Peyer’s patches. Characteristic
“rose spots” often appear on the trunk and abdomen for a few days. Abdominal
distention and tenderness and enlargement of the spleen occurs, but diarrhoea
is absent. Leucocytes decrease in number. Some patients suffer internal
hemorrhage, perforation of the bowel and pneumonia..By the fourth week,
symptoms subside and immunity develops.
Laboratory Diagnosis – can be done by the
isolation and identification of the causative agent from patient’s blood,
faeces, urine, bone marrow etc., demonstration of circulating antigen,
antibodies in the serum.
of antibodies in the patients serum is done by Widal test, an
agglutination test which detects the presence of agglutinins against O and H
antigens. ELISA, radioimmunoassay, counter immunoelectrophoresis also can be
Prophylaxis & Treatment – Best
methods to control the enteric fever are proper sewage disposal, safe water
supply, handling food hygienically, periodic examination to ascertain that the
food handlers are not carriers. About 1-5% of persons recovering from typhoid
fever continue to excrete the organisms in faeces.(temporary carriers and
chronic carriers). For the treatment of chronic carriers chemotherapy with
ampicillin, amoxycillin. Cell-mediated immunity provides protection against
future infection. Chloramphenicol is the antibiotic of choice
live,attenuated oral typhoid vaccine stimulates cell-mediated, humoral
immunity, secretes IgA which helps in prevention of mucosal invasion. Booster
dose every 3 years.
The source of
infection is a patient ar a carrier.Patients who continue to shed typhoid
bacilli in faeces for 3 week to 3 months after clinical cure are called
convalescent carriers.Those who shed more than 3 month,but less than a year is
called temporary carriers,those who shed over a year are chronic carriers.
Salmonellosis(Gastroentritis): caused
by S. enteritidis. It is found in the gastrointestinal tracts of many
animals including poultry, wild birds, rodents. So it is a zoonotic disease.
ie, the source of infection from animal products. Human infection results from
the ingestion of contaminated food, such as poultry, meat, milk and milk
products. The chicken eggs can become infected if the hens laying them are
infected. They can enter through the shell if eggs are left on contaminated
chicken feed or feces and grow inside. Also salmonellae have been traced to
contaminated water and food contaminated by carriers. Salads, other unooked vegetables
cause infection if contaminated through manure. Foods will be contaminated by
droppings of rats, lizards etc.
Symptoms of salmonellosis include abdominal pain, fever and
diarrhoea with blood and mucus. They appear 8-48 hrs after ingestion of organisms
and are associated with the organisms invading the mucosa of small and large
intestines. Fever due to endotoxins. It lasts 1-4 days.
Antibiotics not used,
because it increase
the faecal shedding
of bacilli, for
serious cases it is recommended.
Prevention is by
maintenance of sanitary
water and food
supplies and eradication of
organisms from carriers.
3. Proteus
The members
have a unique ability to oxidatively deaminate amino acids to the corresponding
keto acids and ammonia. It is tested by growing the organism in a medium
containing phenylalanine, from which phenylpyruvic acid is formed (PPA test).
They are widely distributed in nature as saprophytes, found in decomposing
animal matter, in sewage, in manured soil and in animal, human faeces. They are
frequently present on moist areas of skin. They are responsible for urinary and
septic infections.
Morphology & Cultural characteristics
-They are Gram negative coccobacilli, 1-3mm
long and 0.6 mm wide. In young
cultures, most of them are long, curved and filamentous. They may be arranged
singly, in pairs or in short chains. They are actively motile, also possess
more than one type of fimbriae.
They can grow
on ordinary media like nutrient agar and culture emits characteristic
putrefactive, fishy odour. P. mirabilis and P. vulgaris possess
the ability to swarm on solid media. Swarming can be inhibited by increasing
the concentration of agar in the medium 2-6% or by the addition of sodium azide
or boric azide. Swarming does not occur on Mac Conkey agar on which smooth,
colourless colonies are formed. Dienes phenomenon – When two identical
strains of Proteus are inoculated at different points of the same
culture plate, the resulting swarms of growth coalesce without signs of
demarcation. While two different strains of Proteus species are
inoculated, the spreading films of growth fail to coalesce and remain separated
by a narrow but easily visible furrow. It has been used to determine the
identity or non identity of variuos strains of
Biochemical reactions – All species
of Proteus produce acid from
glucose and no acid from lactose, mannose etc. They reduces nitrates. Two
important species-Proteus mirabilis, important urinary and nosocomial
pathogen and Proteus vulgaris, found less commonly in human infections.
Former is indole negative, latter positive. Both are urease positive.
structure – Motile strains possess O (somatic) and H (flagellar)
antigens. O antigens are resistant to heat at 1000C, to ethanol and
to dilute HCl whereas H antigens are destroyed by these treatments. O antigen
has alkali-stable and alkali-labile fractions. The alkali stable portions of
nonmotile strains OX19, OX2, OXK is shared by some rickettsiae, and this is the
basis of Weil- Felix reaction for the diagnosis of some rickettsial diseases.
Pathogenicity – The genus Proteus
is found in soil, water and faecally contaminated materials. Proteus
mirabilis is the causative agent of urinary tract and wound infections. The
urinary tract infections commonly involves the young boys and elderly people of
both sexes often with diabetes or structural abnormalities of the urinary
tract. Proteus vulgaris is more commonly recovered from infected sites
in immunosuppressed hosts, particularly those receiving pro;onged regiments of
UTI caused by
Proteus tends to be more serious than E. coli as Proteus
has a predilection for the upper urinary tract. It produces urease which
liberates ammonia from urea. Ammonia inactivates complement, damages renal
epithelium and makes the urine alkaline, the alkaline condition leads to the
precipitation of phosphates in the urinary tract. It may even lead to
hyperammonaemic encephalopathy and coma.
may cause wound infections, bed sores, osteomyelitis and in neonates it may
cause infection of the umbilical stump which often leads to bacteraemia and
Laboratory Diagnosis – Culturing of the
specimen on Mac Conkey agar or Deoxycholate agar. The isolate is identified by
its morphological and biochemical tests and agglutination reactions.
Proteus bacilli are resistant to many antibiotics, like
polymyxin B and colistin. Most strains are susceptible to aminoglycosides but
they may acquire plasmids coding for resistance to aminoglycosides,
trimethoprim and other antibiotics to which they are normally sensitive.
4. Shigella
Morphology & Cultural characteristics
- Shigella are short, Gram negative rods, 1-3 X 0.5mm in size. They are non-motile, non-sporing, non-capsulated.
Fimbriae present. They are aerobes and facultative anaerobes, growing with in a
temperature range 10-40°C, pH 7.4. Grow
on ordinary media. Colonies are small, circular, convex, smooth and
translucent. On Mac Conkey agar, colonies are coloulrless due to the absence of
lactose fermentation. Deoxycholate citrate agar is a useful selective medium,
smaller colonies without black centres. In XLD colonies are red and without
black centres (salmonellae shows dark centres). Salmonella – Shigella (SS)
agar is a highly selective medium for the isolation of Salmonella and Shigella.
The high bile salt concentration and sodium citrate inhibit all gram positive
bacteria, coliforms and many gram negative bacteria, also distinguishes between
H2S producers.
Resistance - They are killed by moist
heat at 56°C in 1 hr, 1% phenol in 30 minutes. In stools that
are allowed to become acid through growth of
coliforms or other bacteria they tend to die within a few hours, but can
survive for several days in faeces kept nonacid in buffered glycerol solution
or preserved at 40C.
Biochemical reactions - They are MR
positive and negative for VP reaction, citrate utilisation, urease and H2S and reduce nitrates to nitrites. Catalase is
produced. Glucose fermented with acid and no gas. S. sonnei is a late
lactose fermenter.
Antigenic structure – All Shigella possess
O antigens, and certain may possess K antigens. The K antigens if present
interfere with the detection of the O antigen during serologic grouping. The K
antigen is heat-labile and may be removed by boiling the organism in a cell
Toxins –
Endotoxin : All shigellae release an
endotoxin after autolysis. It is thermostable lipopolysaccharide of the cell
wall. It has irritating action on the intestinal wall which causes diarrhoea and subsequent
Exotoxin : It is a heat labile protein
and acts as enterotoxin and neurotoxin. As enterotoxin it acts on the
intestinal mucosa causing accumulation of the fluid in the lumen and as
neurotoxin, it damages endothelial cells of small blood vessels of the central
nervous system which results in neurological complications like polyneuritis,
coma and meningism.
Some strains of S. dysenteriae
produces a cytotoxin which is active on Vero cells and is known as Verotoxin
Pathogenicity - Shigellae cause bacillary
dysentery. It is an acute diarrhoeal disease characterized in the more severe
infections by the presence of blood and mucus in the stools. Humans appear to
be the only natural hosts for shigellae. It spreads rapidly in overcrowded conditions
with poor sanitation. Contaminated food, fingers, flies, faeces, and fomites
spread the pathogens. Playing, bathing, washing clothes in contaminated water
play significant roles in transmitting Shigella. Infection may also
spread via flies, as flies contaminate food mainly by carrying infective
material on their feet. Children aged 1-10 are more susceptible to Shigella.
The ingestion of 10-100 organisms can be sufficient to cause infection,
relatively unaffected by gastric acid or bile.
Once contaminated food or water ingested, Shigella
survive the acidity of the stomach, pass through the small intestine and attach
to large intestine and multiply in the gut lumen. Many bacteria adhere to the
epithelial cells of the gut mucosa and induce these cells to ingest them. They
then multiply within the epithelial cells, inflammatory reaction develops
within the capillary thrombosis, leading to necrosis of patches of epithelium,
which slough off, leaving behind superficial ulcers. The cellular response is
mainly by PMNLs which can be seen on microscopic examination of stool, together
with red cells and sloughed epithelium.
After an incubation
period of 1-4 days, abdominal cramps, fever, profuse diarrhoea with blood and
mucus suddenly appear. In the most serious cases, diarrhoea cause dangerous
protein deficiencies called kwashiorkor and vitamin B12 deficiencies
and also loss of electrolytes, all these causes neurological damage. Other than
the endotoxin which elicits fever, S. dysentriae produces Shiga toxin,
which acts as neurotoxin, which causes convolutions and coma. They cause
ulceration and bleeding of the intestinal lining and sometimes deeper
intestinal layers. Symptoms persist 2-7 days, cause severe dehydration and
fluid, electrolytic imbalance.
Laboratory diagnosis - Diagnosis made by
isolating bacillus from faeces. They are sensitive to acids in faeces, so they
are maintained in a buffered transport medium. They are inoculated into
Deoxycholate agar plates, colonies, biochemical studies.
Treatment - Restoring fluid and
electrolytes by oral rehydration salt solution is essential for recovery.
Intravenous replacement of fluids and electrolytes plus antibiotic therapy is
necessary in the very young, the aged or debilitated and in severe cases of
shigellosis. Antibiotics ampicillin, tetracycline, nalidixic acid are used.
Nalidixic acid inhibits DNA synthesis, especially in gram negative pathogens.
Oral vaccines now available.
Control consists of improving personal and environmental
5. Klebsiella
Morphology & cultural characteristics
- It is isolated from fatal cases of pneumonia. Gram negative, non-sporing,
non-motile, 1-2 mm long and 0.5-0.8 mm wide with parallel or bulging sides and
slightly pointed or rounded ends. They occur either in end to end pairs or are
arranged singly. Freshly isolated strains possess a well defined polysaccharide
capsule. It is produced in media rich in carbohydrates. Some extracellular
polysaccharide is also secreted from the bacteria are loose soluble slime,
accumulation of which gives mucoid appearance. They are non-flagellated, but
most strains possess fimbriae of one or more of 3 types.
They grow well on ordinary media in a temperature range of
12-430C with optimum growth at 370C. on Mac Conkey agar,
the colonies typically appear large, mucoid and pink.
Biochemical reactions - It ferments
glucose, lactose, sucrose, mannitol with the production of acid and abundant
gas. It is IMViC, - - + + . It forms urease. It is aerobic, seen in human
Pathogenicity - It causes pneumonia, an
inflammation of lung tissue. Klebsiella initiate the disease process by
colonizing the upper tract and then entering the lower respiratory tract during
a deep breath or suppressed cough, or by large amounts of mucus. Once it enters
the lower respiratory tract, attaches by means of pili and multiplies.
Pneumonia are classified by site of infection as lobar and
bronchial. Lobar pneumonia affects one or more of the 5 major lobes of the
lungs. Fibrin deposits are characteristic of lobar pneumonia. When they
solidify, they cause consolidation or blockage of air spaces. Inflammation of
the pleural membranes causing painful breathing follows. This is caused by K.
pneumoniae, while bronchial pneumonia affects bronchi, caused by
pneumococci (S. pneumoniae).
Pneumonia is transmitted by respiratory droplets and by
carriers.The infected person suffers violent chills and high fever, chest pain,
cough and sputum containing blood, mucus follow. Klebsiella causes an
extremely severe pneumonia that can lead to chronic ulcerative lesions in the
lungs and extensive destruction of lung tissue.
It is also an important cause of nosocomial infections. It
causes pneumonia, urinary infection, pyogenic infections, septicemia.
Treatment – Clinical isolates of Klebsiella contain R plasmids and are
usually resistant to ampicillin, amoxycillin, cephalosporins.
6. Yersinia
Morphology & Cultural characteristics
- It is a short, plump, ovoid, gram negative bacillus, about 1.5 X 0.7 mm in size, with rounded ends and convex
sides, arranged singly. It shows “safety-pin” appearance on bipolar staining
with methylene blue, ends densely stained and the central area clear. It shows
pleomorphism. It is surrounded by a slime layer, non-motile, non-sporing,
non-acid fast.
It is aerobic and facultatively anaerobic, pH 5-9.6,
temperature 2-45°C. On nutrient agar,
colonies are small, delicate, transparent discs, becomes opaque on continued
incubation. Colonies on blood agar are dark brown due to the absorption of the
blood pigment. Colourless colonies on Mac Conkey agar. In broth, flocculent
growth at the bottom and along the sides of the tube. If grown in a flask of
broth with oil or ghee on top, a characteristic growth occurs which hangs down
into the broth from the surface (stalactite growth).
Biochemical reactions- IMViC is - + - -, catalase positive, oxidase
and urease negative. It is nitrate reduction positive and gelatin liquefaction
negative. It ferments glucose, mannitol and maltose with the production of acid but no gas.
Susceptibility - It is easily destroyed
by heat at 550C and 0.5% phenol within 15 minutes. Exposure to
sunlight for 3-4 hours is also lethal, sensitive to drying and chemical
disinfectants. It remains viable for long periods in cold, moist environments.
On sealed agar slopes and in frozen tissues, it remains viable for years.
Antigenic Structure -
A heat-labile protein envelope antigen known as
fraction – 1 or F1. it is formed in vivo at 370C. it inhibits
The V and W proteins are also formed by virulent
strains of Y. pestis at 370C
at low calcium concentrations. V antigen is a protein of molecular weight
90,000 and W antigen is an acidic lipoprotein of molecular weight 145,000.
Their production is determined by a plasmid.
Pesticin, fibrinolysin, coagulase, whose
production is regulated by a single plasmid.
Pathogenicity - Y. pestis is the causative agent of plague. Plague is a
zoonotic disease, ie., the disease is spread by infected rodents, especially
rats which transmit the organisms by animal to animal contact and also to
humans by flea bites. It is a natural pathogen of rodents.
The flea, Xenopsylla cheopsis, which is a carrier,
suffers from plague infection. When it bites a diseased rat, it sucks about 0.5
ml of blood per feed which contains about 5,000 to 50,000 bacilli. The plague
organisms ingested from a sick rat multiply and block the flea’s digestive
tract until blood meal, its food cannot pass through it. In flea it takes about
3 weeks (extrinsic incubation period). The flea gets hungrier, bites more
ferociously and infects new victims as it dispenses plague organisms with each
bite. Eventually flea dies infecting humans.
As infected rats die of plague, their body temperature drops,
their blood coagulates, hungry fleas jumps to near by sources of warmth and
liquid blood. The new host also a rat,
but in crowded rat-infested areas, or when contact is made with the
carcass of a plague infected animal, the next host can be a human.
In man plague occurs in 3 forms : Bubonic, Septicaemic and
Bubonic Plague – After an incubation
period of 2-5 days, the lymph nodes draining the site of entry of bacillus
become infected. As the plague bacillus usually enters through the bite of
infected flea on the legs, the lymph nodes will enlarges known as buboes, ie.,
enlarged gland in groin and armpit. Patient develops fever, chills, nausea and
Septicaemic plague – The presence of
bacteria in the blood denotes septicaemic plague. Massive involvement of blood
vessels occurs resulting in haemorrhages in the skin and mucosa, the disease is
also known as Black Death.
Pneumonic Plague – Clumps of bacteria may
become entrapped in the lungs causing pneumonic plague. It can be transmitted
from man to man by droplet infection. Patient develops fever, and cough, first
the sputum is mucoid and later blood-tinged which is loaded with bacteria. Also
severe chest pain, difficult and rapid breathing, cyanosis and circulatory
Laboratory diagnosis – By demonstrating Y.
pestis in stained films from buboes,sputum, blood cultures in septecaemic
plague. Plague can be diagnosed by fluorescent antibody technique, complement
fixation tests.
Prophylaxis – can be carried out by :
Control of fleas and rodents, by keeping houses
and surroundings free from dirt and debris in which fleas can survive.
Spraying insecticides inside the rodent burrows
and houses to kill the fleas.
After the fleas have been killed, kill the rat
with rat-poison, otherwise the fleas will jump from the carcass of rats to man.
It is treated with streptomycin, tetracycline. Recovery
confers life time immunity. Two types of vaccines : killed and live attenuated.
Other members of Enterobacteriaceae are
citrobacter,enterobacter and serratia.
Citrobacter: utilize citrate, grow in KCN medium, produce
H2S, ferment lactose. It is a normal intestinal inhabitant. It may
cause infections of urinary tract, gall bladder, middle ear, meninges.
Enterobacter: Motile,capsulated,
lactose fermenting, IMViC is - - + +. Normally found in faeces, sewage, soil
and watery. They may be responsible for hospital infections.
Serratia : Forms a pink, red pigment. It
is pleomorphic. It is a saprophyte found in water, soil, food. Nosocomial,
associated with meningitis, septicimia, respiratory infections.
multocida is a non motile, gram
negative bacillus, resembles Yersinia, but oxidase positive, indole positive,
non fermenters of lactose.
It is transmitted by cat or dog bites and scratches.It is
part of the normal flora of many wild and domestic animal’s mouth,nasopharynx
and gastrointestinal tracts.Infections are reddened usually localized in the
soft tissue adjacent to the bite,often appear within 24 hours.
Virulence factors include production of an endotoxin and
capsule that helps prevent phagocytosis.Penicillin is the drug of choice.
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