fungi they form a mycelial network of branching filaments, like bacteria they
are thin, possess cell walls containing muramic acid, prokaryotic nuclei. So
actinomycetes are considered as transitional forms between bacteria and fungi.
They are Gram positive, nonmotile, non sporing, non capsulated filaments that
break up into bacillary and coccoid elements. Most are free living,
particularly in soil. Human pathogenic actinomycetes belong to four genera : Actinomyces,
Nocardia, Streptomyces & Actinomadura. Actinomyces is non acid fast and
anaerobic or microaerophilic, Nocardiais
aerobe and acid fast, Streptomyces&
Actinomadura are aerobes and non acid fast. Some species of Streptomyces
may cause disease rarely, but their importance is as the major source of
– are gram positive, nonmotile, non sporing, nonacid fast, 0.5-1µm
in diameter, often grow in mycelial forms and
break up into bacillary and coccoid elements. they are facultatively
anaerobes, best growth in the presence of 5-10% CO2. The optimum
temperature for growth is 35-370C. They can be grown on brain heart
infusion agar, heart infusion agar supplemented with 5% defibrinated horse,
rabbit or sheep blood.
– causes the disease actinomycosis. In man it is usually caused by A.
israelli. They are commensals of mouth, therefore endogenous cause of
disease. The disease is a chronic granulomatous infection occuring in human
beings and animals. It is characterized by the development of indurated
swellings, in the connective tissue, suppuration and the discharge of sulfur
granules. Actinomycosis in human beings is an endogenous infection. The
actinomyces species are normally present in the mouth, intestine, vagina as
commensals. Actinomycosis in human beings occurs in 4 forms : (a) Cervicofacial
– indurated lesions on the cheek and submaxillary regions. (b) Thoracic –
lesions in the lung involving pleura and pericardium and spread outwards
through the chest wall. (c) Abdominal – lesion around the cecum, neighbouring
tissues and the abdominal wall, sometimes spread to the liver. (d) Pelvic –
lesion on the pelvic region, associated with the use of intrauterine devices.
Laboratory Diagnosis-
The specimens, pus, sinus discharge, bronchial secretions, sputum or infected
tissues may contain innumerable sulfur granules.
● Microscopy:
Pus from suspected cases is shaken with sterile water in a tube. Sulfur
granules settle to the bottom, and are removed with Pasteur pipette. Granules
are crushed between two slides and stained with Gram and Ziehl-Neelson staining
using 1% sulfuic acid for decolourization. The granules are seen to consist of
gram positive hyphal fragments, surrounded by peripheral zone of swollen
radiating club-shaped structures presenting a sun ray appearance.
● Culture
: Sulfur granules are thoroughly washed in sterile normal saline in a petri dish or tube and crushed in a drop of
saline with a glass rod. It is then inoculated on brain heart infusion agar,
blood agar and in thioglycollate broth and incubated anaerobically and
aerobically with 5-10% CO2 at 35-370C for upto 14 days. The colonies of A.
israelii are 0.5-2mm diameter, white to grey white, smooth, entire or
lobulated resembling molar teeth. The identity of the isolate can be confirmed
by direct flurescence microscopy and biochemical tests.
● Biopsy: In
haemotoxylin and eosin stained sections, the sulfur granules are deeply stained
with haematoxylin except in the periphery which is stained by eosin, which
shows short, radiate, club-like structures. On gram staining the filament are
gram positive and periphery gram negative.
Treatment :
Surgical removal of affected tissues with large doses of penicillin for 12-18
months are effective. Tetracycline, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, streptomycin
may also be used.
actinomyces morphologically but are aerobic, filamentous and acid fast. They
are Gram positive, frequently found in soil and infections are exogenous.
Infection with Nocardia cause cutaneous, subcutaneous or systemic lesions in
humans. They readily grow on nutrient agar, Sabouraud Dextrose agar, brain
heart infusion agar. The inoculated plates should be incubated at 360C
for upto 3 weeks. They form white, yellow, pink or brown colonies.
Nocardiosis : is characterized by tissue
lesions and abscesses. Causative organism is N. asteroides, found in
soil and water. In humans the primary infection site is lungs, also originate
in skin and other organs. The disease usually occurs in immunosuppressed
patients. Human-human transmission is rare, 85% mortality rate. Early diagnosis
and treatment with sulfonamides in combination with triomethoprim reduces the
mortality rate below 50%. Diagnosis based on finding the organism in sputum and
microscopical examination.
Maduramycosis : Madura foot
(Maduramycosis) : occurs mainly in the tropics, caused by a variety of soil
organisms. The causative organism is N. asteroides. Organisms enter the
body through breaks in the skin, especially in people who do not wear shoes.
Initial pus filled lesions spread and form connected lesions that eventually
become chronic and granulated. Uyntreated, the organisms invade muscle and
bone, and the foot becomes massively enlarged. Madura foot is diagnosed by
finding white, yellow, red or black granules of interwined hyphae in pus.
Unless antibiotic therapy begins early in the infection and is sufficiently
prolonged, amputation may be necessary. Keeping soil particles out of wounds
prevents the disease.
diagnosis - Diagnosis is by demonstration of branching filaments
microscopically and by isolation in culture. Nocardia grow readily on ordinary
media forming dry, granular, wrinkled colonies which produce pigments ranging
from yellow to red.
– Sulfonamides with or with out trimethoprim for 3 months or more are
effective. Cortimoxazole, amikacin, cefotaxime also can be used.
This aerobic bacteria produces a
substrate mycelium, ie., a mat of branching hyphae formed under the surface of
agar medium. This mycelium may range from rudimentary to extensively developed.
The substrate mycelium usually fragments into rod shape or coccoid cells. Some
genera form an aerial mycelium that may give rise to conidiospores. Several
genera possess mycolic acids and are acid fast species.
In the genus nocardia :
The peptidoglycan contains meso- diaminopimelic
No glycine interpeptide bridges occur between
the peptidoglycan chains.
The walls contain sugars arabinose and
They are saprophytes,
opportunistic pathogens, causing nocardiosis and actinomycetoma in humans and
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