Showing posts with label Bacillus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bacillus. Show all posts


Gram positive, motile, spores found in soil, water, air and common contaminants of bacteriological media.Two important pathogenic species are B.anthracis and B.cereus. Genus Bacillus has numerous applications such as:
·         Filter paper strips impregnated with spores of B. subtilis have been used to test the efficacy of hot air oven, and B. staerothermophilus to test the autoclave and low-temperature steam-formaldehyde sterilizer. B. globigi used to test EtO sterilizer, B. pumilis to test the efficacy of ionising radiation.
·         These produce antibiotics such as bacitracin, polymyxin and gramicidin and act as biological controls in assays of folic acid, aflatoxins and hexachlorophane.
·         B. thuringiensis has  been widely used as an insecticide mainly for pest  control  on food crops.
·         B. subtilis and other species have provided a model for microbial genetics.
The resistance of spores of Bacillus species to drying, UV, heat and chemical disinfectants make these organisms troublesome contaminants of food leading to a variety of food spoilage defect and pharmaceutical products. Their absence from these products acts as a good indicator of cleanliness of the product.


The family Rhabdoviridae comprises more than 200 viruses which infect mammals, reptiles, birds, fishes, insects and plants. It has two ge...